Shipping table
Country | Shipping Price | Delivery Time |
AT, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK | Free delivery | 2-4 working days |
Other EU | €2.78 | 5-6 working days |
CH | Free delivery via* | 5-6 working days |
Other Europe | €8.93 | 6-8 working days |
| €11.19 | 10-15 working days |
* In order to guarantee our Swiss customers the smoothest possible shopping experience, delivery to Switzerland is carried out by our partner To place an order, please create an account there and enter your address when placing your order.
Country | Code | Vat |
Albania | AL | 20.00 % |
Andorra | AD | 4.00 % |
Argentina | AR | 21.00 % |
Australia | AU | 10.00 %
Belgium | BE | 21.00 % |
Bolivia | BO | 13.00 % |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | 17.00 % |
Brazil | BR | 17.00 % |
Bulgaria | BG | 20.00 % |
Chile | CL | 19.00 %
China | CN | 17.00 %
Denmark | DK | 25.00 % |
Germany | DE | 19.00 %
Estonia | EE | 20.00 %
Faroe Islands | FA | 25.00 % |
Finland | FI | 24.00 %
France | FR | 20.00 %
Greece | EL | 23.00 %
India | IN | 12.50 %
Ireland | IE | 23.00 %
Iceland | IS | 25,50 %
Israel | IL | 18.00 %
Italy | IT | 22.00 %
Japan | JP | 8.00 %
Canada | CA | 5.00 %
Kosovo | KO | 16.00 %
Croatia | HR | 25.00 %
Latvia | LV | 21.00 %
Liechtenstein | LI | 8.00 %
Lithuania | LT | 21.00 %
Luxemburg | LU | 17.00 %
Malta | MT | 18.00 %
| MA | 20.00 %
Macedonia | MK | 18.00 %
Mexico | MX | 16.00 %
Monaco | MC | 19.60 %
Montenegro | ME | 17.00 %
New Zealand | NE | 15.00 %
Netherlands | NL | 21.00 %
Norway | NO | 25.00 %
Austria | AT | 20.00 %
Poland | PL | 23.00 %
Portugal | PR | 23.00 %
Romania | RO | 19.00 %
Sweden | SE | 25.00 %
Switzerland | CH | 8.00 %
Serbia | YU | 20.00 %
Singapore | SG | 7.00 %
Slovak Republic | SK | 20.00 %
Slovenia | SL | 22.00 %
Spain | ES | 21.00 %
Sri Lanka | LK | 15.00 %
South Africa | ZA | 14.00 %
South Korea
| KR | 10.00 %
Taiwan | TW | 5.00 %
Thailand | TH | 7.00 % |
Czech Republic | CZ | 21.00 %
Turkey | TR | 18.00 %
Ukraine | UA | 20.00 %
Hungary | HU | 27.00 %
Venezuela | VE | 12.00 %
United Kingdom | GB | 20.00 %
Cyprus | CY | 19.00 %