As every year, Halloween is on October 31st. Don't have a suitable costume yet? No problem - we present the best DIY Halloween costumes and show you how to make them!
Admittedly, a zombie outfit isn't exactly the most outlandish of all possible ideas. But there are good reasons why you can still steal the show as an undead on Halloween: The design options are almost unlimited. Here's how to get the perfect zombie outfit: grab some old clothes that you wouldn't wear again anyway and give them a liberal touch with scissors and sandpaper. You can be creative to your heart's content and create as many holes as you want! The make-up is then very important: It is best to make sure that you look really pale. Then plenty of fake blood in the right places and deep circles under your eyes and your zombie look is ready! Oh, and ruffling your hair really goes well with it too. You can give the outfit that certain something with colorful contact lenses.
Halloween Kitty
Kittens can be really cute or really sexy - and both are particularly suitable for Halloween. What you need for a Halloween cat outfit: White and black cat ears. If necessary, you can also make these yourself by cutting black ears out of cardboard and gluing them to a headband. A black outfit goes best with this - black leggings, a black shirt and black boots are the best choice here, with a tight one-piece suit you can pass as a Catwoman. Make-up is of course very important. Both a cat's nose and the whiskers are important. White or red contact lenses are great for a spooky upgrade. Meowuuu.
Vampires are also part of the classic ensemble of the scariest day of the year. You don't need much for the perfect vampire look. Combine a worn-out white blouse and black trousers (do you prefer dresses? A black dress with lots of ruffles and flared sleeves also creates the Vampirella vibe) with a black cape – (almost) done. You can make the cape yourself in no time at all from an old, large black piece of fabric. Simply put it over your shoulder and sew a small black cord or black velvet ribbon on each side of the fabric that points towards the neck. A long black wig or backcombed black hair dyed with disposable hair color are another must for the creepy tomb look. Pale skin (don't forget your neck and hands), dramatic black eye make-up and long, thin strands of blood in the corners of your mouth will turn you into a horrid eye-catcher in no time. Are you late again and the white paste for artificial bleaching is already sold out, like every year? No problem: a good covering rest of sunscreen can reliably make you just as pale.
dead rock star
The dead live longer: Many pop stars died young and were not only sought after as musicians, but were also considered sex symbols - the ideal mix for a great Halloween costume! A David Bowie outfit embodies all of that at the same time. The androgynous appearance of the British pop star and his very slim figure are also ideal as a Halloween costume for women. The Briton, known as the rock chameleon, has many motifs to offer: Just look at a few photos and shop for your favorite outfit in the nearest second-hand shop. Many of his most famous outfits show him with high shoulder pads, glittery fabrics with iridescent colors, colorful make-up such as the famous lightning bolt all over his face and most of all the iconic bright red and orange colored mullet hairstyle. Or may it be Amy Winehose? Amy was known for her retro dresses and her famous bee's nest hairstyle. Also typical of her was her Signature eyeliner, which you absolutely have to use if you're banking on following in their footsteps this Halloween.